Florensis Kenya day-care and education center

Serving 100 children

Among the steps taken to create a conducive environment for our employees at Florensis Kenya, is the running of a day-care, complemented by a kids’ playground and an Early Childhood Development facility (ECD). The facility serves over hundred children annually, aged between three months and six years, and has been running for over ten years.

Feeding program

We freely provide porridge to all children attending our facilities. In addition, we run a feeding program which offers food throughout the day at a subsidized cost for those that cannot afford a consistently balanced diet. We also have an elaborate policy to safeguard the rights of the children, including regular checks to make sure the kids are well taken care of.

From 3 months to 6 years

All our employees can sign up their young ones at our day-care from the age of three months. Here they are natured with healthy meals, a playing room, diaper changing and sleeping room with warm cozy beds. At age two, the children join playgroups that enable them learn speech, primary interactions and outdoor games at our playground. When they are four years old, they are enrolled into our ECD School where they are equipped with basic life skills including etiquette, sanitation, numbers, music, art, sports, functions of family and school, alphabetical letters and communication.


At the ECD, we ensure that by attaining the age of six, they are ready to join grade 1 in other schools, with the skills necessary to conduct themselves in diverse situations. We help the children to identify their strengths and skills and stimulate their development in this, such as best reader, fastest learner, most disciplined, cleanest, most social, best artist, most athletic, etc.

Graduation ceremony

Being proud to have participated in their growth right from our day-care centre through to the moment the children transition into Primary school education, we yearly facilitate a graduation ceremony. Each ‘mini’ graduate is gifted with a well-filled school backpack. These colourful ceremonies are a great closure with many pleasantries and learning experiences, as majority of our graduates have utilized our childcare facilities since birth. After wishing them all the best in their future, we continue to support our employees in mentoring their young ones into responsible children.



Cooks providing healthy meals


Day care playing room


ECD classroom


ECD classroom


Day care building


Large playround

Sustainable development goals

With this project we contribute to SDG goal 3 ‘Good health and well-being’ and goal 4 ‘Quality education’ , two of the six Sustainable Development Goals that we selected to focus on in our sustainability policy.


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