Sales from December until March

PrimeTime is all about convenience. This programme flowers consecutively from December until March. You can plant all four series within the same week and still spread flowering!

- Flowers in perfect order, therefore easy to plan
- Compact, uniform plants with large flowers
- Identical colours in all series
- Less need of growth regulators
- High density production, more plants per m2


December – February


Early February – Early March


Late February – March


Mid March – Late March

PrimeTime Salome®

Salome is ideal for early spring sales between mid December and mid February. The series requires low energy and less growth regulators which still results in good uniformity! Big flowers on genetically compact plants Compact habit means more plants per m Less PGR Long shelf life without stretching

PrimeTime Cairo

Cairo is ideal for medium early flowering sales between early February and early March. Cairo is the prototype for all PrimeTime series in quality, uniformity and genetically compactness! Big flowers on genetically compact plants Compact habit means more plants per m Less PGR Long shelf life without stretching

PrimeTime Luxor®

Luxor is ideal for late flowering sales between mid febrary and March. Genetically compact plants with short dark green foliage and brightly coloured flowers on short stems. Big flowers on genetically compact plants Compact habit means more plants per m Less PGR Long shelf life without stretching

PrimeTime Esna®

Esna is the latest series in PrimeTime flowering in March. Genetically compact plants with short dark green foliage and brightly coloured flowers on short stems. - Big flowers on genetically compact plants - Compact habit means more plants per m - Less PGR - Long shelf life without stretching