Spring Break®

Spring Break mixes are designed to be planted and burst into long lasting flowers at the same time. Containing unique combinations of biennials, perennials, grasses and succulent plants. Generally grown on bigger pots and bowls, make the concept having an exceptionally long shelf-life! Spring Break mixes are the eye catchers on the trade floor for sales in february and march! Beautiful POS material is available to strengthen the appearance of the mixes at point of sales. Ask your representative for the possibilities.



Spring Break®



18317 Viola cornuta EVO Mini F1/Sorbet XP F1 White Purple Jump Up 288
288 Primula veris Little Queen Violet 288
 33944  Bellis perennis BellaStar  Compact White 288

Spring Break®



18025 Sedum acre - Aurea 180
34012 Viola cornuta EVO Mini F1 Deep Orange 288
37412 Primula veris Little Queen Lime 288

Spring Break®



11402 Arabis blepharophylla Barranca Deep Rose 288
34412 Saxifraga x arendsii Ice Colours Appleblossom 180
19126 Viola cornuta EVO Mini F1 Persian Wing 288

Spring Break®



30349 Arabis caucasica Aubris Deep Rose 288
19273 Viola cornuta EVO Mini F1 Raspberry 288
32486 Primula veris Little Queen Violet 288

Spring Break®



32486 Primula veris Little Queen Violet 288
13762 Pritzelago alpina - Crystal Carpet 288
38349 Viola cornuta EVO Mini F1/Sorbet XP F1 Rose Wing 288

Spring Break®



43434 Viola cornuta EVO Mini F1 Beacon Yellow Impr. 288
37412 Primula veris Little Queen Lime 288
32683 Erysimum hybridum - Spring Feeling 288

Spring Break®

Key West


37412 Primula veris Little Queen Lime 288
42485 Viola cornuta EVO Mini F1 Lavender Pink Face 288
37412 Saxifraga x arendsii Ice Colours Appleblossom 180

Spring Break®



37412 Primula veris Little Queen Lime 288
17184 Carex howardii - Phoenix Green™ 288
36743 Dianthus caryophyllus Code® Pink 180

Spring Break®



32486 Primula veris Little Queen Violet 288
34412 Saxifraga x arendsii Ice Colours Appleblossom 180
35096 Viola cornuta EVO Mini F1/Sorbet XP F1 Yellow 288

Spring Break®



14908 Carex albula Amazon Mist 288
33944 Bellis perennis BellaStar  Compact White 288
35096 Viola cornuta EVO Mini F1/Sorbet XP F1 Yellow 288

Spring Break®



14908 Carex albula Amazon Mist 288
33944 Bellis perennis BellaStar  Compact White 288
34013 Viola cornuta EVO Mini F1/Sorbet XP F1 True Blue 288

Spring Break®

San Diego


34412 Saxifraga x arendsii Ice Colours Appleblossom 180
12221 Viola cornuta EVO Mini F1/Sorbet XP F1 White 288
33942 Bellis perennis BellaStar  Compact Red 288

