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Viola Evolution

As specialists we can provide you with cultivation advise, a planning tool and the knowledge about our genetics to optimize your production as good as possible


Viola EVOLUTION Series

One of our goals is to make our production process sustainable and our footprint as small as possible. Future proof genetics in our Viola EVOLUTION series results in a 95% decrease of PGR’s in the past 20 years. As specialists we can provide you with cultivation advise to make your production as sustainable as possible. Our sensible response to constantly changing market requirements. 4 separate series - 1 clear segmentation.

Viola cornuta - EVO® Mini F1 - Spring Select Mix
Viola cornuta - EVO® Mini F1 - Spring Select MixViola cornuta - EVO® Mini F1 - Beacon YellowViola cornuta - EVO® Mini F1 - Purple Rose White FaceViola cornuta - EVO® Mini F1 - Lavender Pink

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Viola cornuta

EVO® Mini F1

Spring Select Mix

Viola EVO Mini

A unique colour pallet of uniform cornuta’s from autumn till spring. From the deepest of blues to the clearest of white. EVO Mini fills pots with excellent branching, compact plants and a narrow flowering window. With excellent reliability EVO Mini is a safe bet for predictable and durable plants. It is not without reason so many Sorbet XP varieties are included in our EVO Mini series. EVO Mini can be very well combined with spring flowering perennials.

  • Biggest colour range

  • Newest varieties on the market

  • View the planning tool for the best variety for every season

Performance Pictures Viola EVO Mini

New bright and cool colours in EVO mini spice up the assortment and make trendy MixMasters® possible!

Viola EVO Mini MixMasters®

The chosen varieties are selected for the perfect fit in flowering, plant habit uniformity and meet the requirements of a well-balanced appealing combination.

Viola Evolution POS material

Create your ultimate biennial mix trolley with Viola Evo Mini MixMasters®, Myosotis Mon Amie MixMasters® and Bellis mixes that are available as recipes.

Create your ultimate biennial mix trolley with Viola Evo Mini MixMasters®, Myosotis Mon Amie MixMasters® and Bellis mixes that are available as recipes.


The earliest flowers for easy and early spring sales. The varieties featured in our EVO series are the most advanced wittrockiana Viola in the market today. EVO is reliable for early spring sales because of its outstanding uniformity in plant habit and timing. This provides maximum predictability and reliability. Thanks to their evolutionary DNA the plants have compact and strong branching, no stretching, short peduncles and a narrow flowering window. Characteristics for great pansy sales in late autumn and early spring.

  • Every year an improved assortment

  • Earliest series for spring sales

  • Unique colours: Violet Face, Marina, Lemon, Yellow Duet

A clear white pansy is the musthave in every Viola programme!

Performance picture

A clear white pansy is the musthave in every Viola programme!


Extra large flowers with outstanding heat tolerance. When you think EVO isn’t big enough, we developed the extra big-flowered EVO BIG. The varieties in EVO BIG are great for production in summer and early autumn. These attractive big flowers will stand the heat and have a strong appeal to retail and consumers. We tested the varieties in warm temperatures and strong radiation. In all situation, EVO BIG varieties prove to overcome and constrain these circumstances. Still able to grow strong plants with huge, impressive flowers. EVO BIG is produced in only 5-7 weeks in large uniformity across a full colour range. The well-branched and compact plants are strong and produce lots of flowers on short and sturdy terms.

  • Biggest flowers available

  • The best series for autumn sales

  • More floriferous than competition

  • Not stretching under hot weather conditions




